Exposing the Truth
This blog was created so the silenced can now speak up.
For more than a decade, certain key leaders in the Family Federation, now the Heavenly Parent Church have tried to hide their misdeeds by silencing people through threats, coercion, intimidation tactics, and even litigation. No more. Brave people are speaking up to expose the corruption and misdeeds of individuals who are trying to hijack the teachings and work of Reverend Moon for their own personal gain.
Their voices are published here in order to set the record straight.
Chairwoman Han Dishonors Late Husband at Recent Leaders Meeting
Dear blessed families, My wife is Korean and she frequently keeps up-to-date with discussions taking place within the Unification Movement in Korea. She very recently received a copy (English/Korean) of a recent speech Ms. Hak Ja Han gave at a National Leaders meeting...

Concerns with what Mother is saying/doing…(Part 1/6)
Dear Brothers and Sisters, There have been numerous comments made on the internet by brothers and sisters pertaining to things that Mother has been saying, versus things that Father taught to us while he was alive on this earth. I believe that many of these comments...
Concerns with what Mother is saying/doing…(Part 2/6)
On February 27, 2007 Father emphasized: "Absolutely you should not believe anything other than Father's words. What I dislike the most is you adding your own words. Can you revise the documents that Father and God blessed and stamped? When you read the Peace...
Concerns with what Mother is saying/doing (Part 3/6)
In her public speech on November 12, 2018 she spoke only about herself as the True Parent of humankind without mentioning that Father has reached that position and that she is a True Parent together with him. Here is the official translation of that paragraph: “Jesus...
Concerns with what Mother is saying/doing (Part 4/6)
Mother’s claim of being the sinless Only-Begotten Daughter, and that only she was meant to be True Mother, shows that she wants to rewrite history by erasing the memory that Father had two wives before her. She even insists that it was a mistake on the side of Father...
Concerns with what Mother is saying/doing (Part 5/6)
The lecturer explained that after Mother had succeeded in the 14-year course, she went from the stage of younger sister to the stage of the wife, from 1977 to 1991. She married in 1960 but only 14 years later did she reach the actual position of being Father’s wife!...
Concerns with what Mother is saying/doing (Part 6/6)
On September 2, 2011 Father noted: “If you have possessions, you should feel ashamed. I do not even have a wristwatch or ring. I have nothing. Here I am, the so-called founder of a religious group, sitting with Mother. But do I have a watch? The clothes I wear are the...