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Exposing the Truth

This blog was created so the silenced can now speak up.

For more than a decade, certain key leaders in the Family Federation, now the Heavenly Parent Church have tried to hide their misdeeds by silencing people through threats, coercion, intimidation tactics, and even litigation. No more. Brave people are speaking up to expose the corruption and misdeeds of individuals who are trying to hijack the teachings and work of Reverend Moon for their own personal gain.

Their voices are published here in order to set the record straight.




Jin Choon Kim’s Shocking Announcement

True Father Carries a Shameful Tail of Accusation by Satan Jin Choon Kim, a theologian in Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, at the sudden instruction of Mrs. Hak-Ja Han, gave a two-day special lecture series to around 500 FFWPU, UPF, and other leaders...

Reverend Moon Reprimands Clerics

The Unification Schism was begun by the Unification Movement’s leaders or clerics in a nefarious incident at Sokcho, Korea. There they tricked the elderly Reverend Sun Myung Moon with fake messages that they told him were coming from his deceased son, Hyo Jin, from...

The Dust has Settled

Personal Testimony Regarding the Status of our Movement and God’s Providence Today Chris Marsh, November 2020 There has been much turmoil in our movement since some years before Father’s ascension and even more so since his passing. I provide the following message...