True Father Carries a Shameful Tail of Accusation by Satan Jin Choon Kim, a theologian in Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, at the sudden instruction of Mrs. Hak-Ja Han, gave a two-day special lecture series to around 500 FFWPU, UPF, and other leaders...
The Unification Schism was begun by the Unification Movement’s leaders or clerics in a nefarious incident at Sokcho, Korea. There they tricked the elderly Reverend Sun Myung Moon with fake messages that they told him were coming from his deceased son, Hyo Jin, from...
On February 15, 2020, at a meeting of elders of the Unification Movement, Elder Yong-Hyun Moon expressed his feelings of misery by exposing shocking facts, including what he heard directly from Father and from Mother. Elder Moon is True Father’s younger cousin and a... On February 15, 2020, at a meeting of elders of the Unification Movement, Elder Yong-Hyun Moon expressed his feelings of misery by exposing shocking facts, including what he heard directly...